Members of the 'Real Housewives of New Jersey' cast, including Teresa Giudice and her husband, stand accused of battering a Chicago-area police officer during a brawl while on vacation in the Dominican Republican earlier this year, a pair of lawsuits released Monday allege.

Adolfo Arreola, who works for the University of Illinois at Chicago's police department, alleges that he suffered a broken arm, cuts, bruises and had blurred vision after members of the 'Housewives' cast "savagely beat, kicked, punched, scratched" and cracked a glass over his head during an altercation that began with Teresa Giudice in a Hard Rock Hotel & Casino bar in Punta Cana on Feb. 23. Also in the Chicago Tribune report, the police officer's cousin, Jason A. Gomez, alleges he suffered a broken leg while trying to help out Arreola.